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I’m Bishnu.



I’m Bishnu the writer of these immersive stories, I encouragingly say this is where creativity knows no bounds and every picture tells a story. With a passion for transforming ideas and having the genius write through me into visually captivating experiences, I lead a team dedicated to pushing the boundaries of story telling innovation.

“Creativity is a crushing chore and a glorious mystery. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.”


Elizabeth Gilbert

What is Life?

Paul Nurse offers a captivating exploration of the fundamental question of the nature of life. Through his scientific expertise, he delves into key concepts such as DNA, cells, evolution, and the interconnectedness of all living organisms.

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Discover Myself

Greetings, fellow wanderers of tales. I am Bishnu Deb, a storyteller and writer who is navigating the path of Science but now embarks on the captivating odyssey of a YouTuber, entrepreneur, podcaster, and aspiring author. For more than several years, I have woven narratives through the medium of the Facebook group Immersive Stories……

Experience a Journey through Author Quotes

Welcome to Author Quotes, this is a channel where I share popular science books that promote scientific knowledge to a non-specialist audience. I hope you enjoy it here.

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Pauline Gilbert

Taveler to Barcelona

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Nathan May

Taveler to Japan

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Danielle Knight

Taveler to Mexico

Immersive Newsletter

By day a Scientist of the microcosm, by night a writer, but not just any writer – an up-and-coming author of literary fiction. Follow me on this journey, of stealing like an artist, overcoming writer’s block, procrastinating, and the dreaded time.

Read my Immersive Stories

Welcome to Immersive Stories, I hope you will like the stories I share, designed by my self and from inspirational people of all ages and walks of life.

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